Theatre Classes at Trinity are offered for students in 7th and 8th grade for one semester. In Theatre Class, students are taught beginning acting skills from pantomime, improvisation and scene work. They also learn the history of theatre in our society through Greek theatre, Elizabethan theatre, Commedia Del’ Arte through exercises/actor workshops and scene work. The semester ends with a final production piece where students act and serve on technical crew roles to produce a live dinner theatre performance where their achievements are capped off with performance and celebration of the actor! A very special night, indeed!
Theatre Classes
Theatre Group
Trinity also celebrates the Performing Arts with our Theatre Group: The Trinity Hornet Players!
Each year, students have the opportunity to audition for our spring play. Students in 1st – 8th grade are encouraged to audition. We also have an excellent crew opportunity for students wishing to be involved in behind the scenes work! We are excited to perform quality productions for the whole family and community!